[. . . ] Additionally to that the airstyler is provided with GLIIHUHQW EUXVK DWWDFKPHQWV VPDOO DQG ELJ GLDPHWHU WR ÀW IRU DOO hair lengths and styling desires. Moreover, this airstyler has features that protect your hair from damage and give you the reassurance of the best results. [. . . ] For additional protection, we advise you to install a residual current device (RCD) in the electrical circuit that supplies the bathroom. This RCD must have a rated residual operating current not higher than 30mA. Before you switch the appliance on again, check the grilles to make sure WKH\ DUH QRW EORFNHG E\ ÁXII KDLU HWF Prevent the hot surfaces of the appliance from coming into contact with your skin. If you use the appliance on color-treated hair, the brush body surface may stain. Do not activate brush rotation switch without any attachment attached. Noise level: Lc= 81 dB(A) (OHFWURPDJQHWLF ÀHOGV (0) This appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic ÀHOGV (0) , I KDQGOHG SURSHUO\ DQG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH LQVWUXFWLRQV LQ WKLV XVHU PDQXDO WKH DSSOLDQFH LV VDIH WR XVH EDVHG RQ VFLHQWLÀF evidence available today. Environment Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in an RIÀFLDO FROOHFWLRQ SRLQW IRU UHF\FOLQJ %\ GRLQJ WKLV \RX help to preserve the environment. 3 Use the airstyler We recommend to practice with the appliance 2 or 3 times so you get used to how it works. Note: Always let the appliance and attachments cool down before you connect or disconnect the attachments. Do not use the DSSOLDQFH RQ FRPSOHWHO\ ZHW KDLU 'U\ \RXU KDLU ZLWK D WRZHO ÀUVW or pre-dry your hair. Comb through your hair to avoid that the hair gets entangled around the brush. Let the dried and styled hair cool down before \RX FRPE EUXVK RU ÀQJHUFRPE LW LQWR LWV ÀQDO VW\OH 1HYHU DFWLYDWH the rotation function without brush attachments. Tip: To prevent pulling out of hairs, the appliance is provided with a security system. If the pressure of your hair on the brush exceeds a certain limit, the rotation slows down. Before styling your hair 1 &KRRVH WKH EUXVK DWWDFKPHQW WKDW ÀWV EHVW IRU \RXU KDLU DQG snap it onto the styler ( ). [. . . ] Unplug the appliance and The appliance may have overheated and let it cool down for a few minutes. on the appliance again, check the grilles to make sure they are not blocked E\ ÁXII KDLU HWF The appliance may not be suitable for the voltage to which it has been connected. [. . . ]